5:1 Pitch Coil Bindings

The 5:1 is a specialty spacing manufactured primarily for print shops with specialty equipment for punching the pattern and users who may have machines manufactured in other countries where the 5:1 spacing is more common. Plastic Coil is a great way to add color when binding your book. Measuring at a 12″ or 36″ length, the pitch for spiral coil bindings can be 4 or 5 holes per inch, with sizes ranging from 6mm (1/4 inch) to 50mm (2 inches). Being both durable and flexible, you’ll be able to lay your documents completely flat or wrap around. Our coil supplies keep their shape and come in a variety of colors. If you don’t see your color, we will be more than happy to custom PMS match it for you! 

Contact us for options and pricing today!

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